React Native is a JavaScript framework for building native mobile apps. It uses the React framework and offers large amount of inbuilt components and APIs.
This tutorial is designed for JavaScript and React developers who aspire to learn mobile building skills. By following this course, you will expand your React and JavaScript knowledge, learn some concepts of functional programming, and prepare to enter the mobile world. Since JavaScript world is moving forward, we will keep up with it and use EC6 syntax in this tutorial.
To be able to follow this tutorial, you should be familiar with React and have solid JavaScript knowledge. Even if you do not have previous experience with React, you should be able to follow it. In this tutorial, we will explain some fundamental React concepts.
React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript. It uses the same design as React, letting you compose a rich mobile UI from declarative components. With React Native, you don't build a mobile web app, an HTML5 app, or a hybrid app; you build a real mobile app that's indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. You just put those building blocks together using JavaScript and React.
The React Native for Beginners Course includes the following units:
Understand the basics of React Native, a popular framework developed by Facebook for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. Learn about the advantages of using React Native, its architecture, and how it enables you to write code once and run it on both iOS and Android.
Get hands-on guidance on setting up a development environment for React Native projects. Learn how to install Node.js, npm (Node Package Manager), and the React Native CLI. Configure emulators/simulators for iOS and Android, and set up your development environment using popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code.
Dive into JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript that looks similar to HTML, used in React Native to describe the UI. Learn about React Native’s component-based architecture, how to create functional and class components, and the importance of props and state in managing component data.
Explore the styling and layout system in React Native, which is based on Flexbox. Learn how to style components using StyleSheet, and understand Flexbox properties to create responsive layouts. Discover how to use platform-specific styles to optimize the look and feel of your app on different devices.
Learn how to handle user input and gestures in React Native applications. Understand how to use built-in components like TextInput, Button, and Touchable for capturing user input and handling taps, swipes, and other gestures. Explore third-party libraries for more complex gesture handling.
Master navigation in React Native using the React Navigation library. Learn how to set up stack navigators, tab navigators, and drawer navigators to enable seamless navigation between different screens in your application. Understand the concept of navigation state and how to pass data between screens.
Dive into state management in React Native using hooks such as useState, useEffect, and useReducer. Learn how to manage complex state and share data across components using the Context API. Explore how to integrate third-party state management libraries like Redux for large-scale applications.
Learn how to fetch data from remote APIs and integrate it into your React Native applications. Understand how to use the Fetch API and Axios to make HTTP requests, handle responses, and manage asynchronous data fetching. Explore techniques for handling loading states and errors.
Understand how to extend the functionality of React Native apps by integrating native modules. Learn how to link native code for iOS and Android using tools like React Native Linking, and explore how to create custom native modules to access device-specific features not available in React Native.
Explore the extensive ecosystem of React Native components and libraries. Learn how to use popular libraries for tasks such as image handling (React Native Image Picker), forms (Formik), and networking (React Native Networking). Understand how to evaluate and integrate third-party libraries into your projects.
Learn how to create smooth and engaging animations in React Native using the Animated API and the LayoutAnimation module. Understand how to use declarative and imperative approaches for creating animations and transitions to enhance the user experience.
Gain proficiency in testing and debugging React Native applications. Learn about testing strategies using tools like Jest and React Native Testing Library for unit and integration tests. Explore debugging techniques using React Native Debugger, Flipper, and Chrome DevTools.
Discover best practices for optimizing the performance of React Native applications. Learn techniques for improving the speed and responsiveness of your app, such as minimizing re-renders, optimizing images and assets, and using the FlatList component for efficient list rendering.
Learn the steps to prepare your React Native applications for deployment. Understand the process of building and signing APKs for Android, creating and signing IPA files for iOS, and submitting your apps to Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Explore continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) tools for automating the build and release process.
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